Abdalaziz Alhamza
Alhamza is an award-winning Syrian journalist and co-founder and spokesperson of Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, a non-partisan, independent organization that exposes the atrocities committed by ISIS and the Bashar Al-Assad regime in Syria. Prior to this position, Alhamza organized non-violent protests and demonstrations against the Syrian regime. After escaping to Turkey in 2014, he used smuggled video footage and images to show the reality of life in Raqqa under ISIS rule to the rest of the world. Alhamza was the subject of the documentary City Of Ghosts, which was on the 2018 Oscar Documentary Feature shortlist. Alhamza seeks to empower the next generation of Syrians to become compassionate and informed leaders in their own communities and to rebuild the country based on the principles of freedom, dignity, truth, justice, unity, and peace.