Diego Mora Bello
Chief Communications Analyst
United Nations Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Peace in Colombia
Diego Mora Bello is responsible for the communications area of the United Nations Multi-Donor Fund for Peace in Colombia, a tripartite mechanism between the National Government, United Nations and International Cooperation, with the participation of Civil Society to support the implementation of the 2016 Peace Agreement.
Diego has also supported the communications strategy of different organizations, and has worked with the organization Ipandetec in Panama, Karisma Foundation in Colombia, the LAC Platform of the Global Fund to fight against HIV / AIDS, the Anti-AIDS Committee of Valencia in Spain and has been a fellow of Human Rights Campaign and Tobacco-Free Kids in Washington DC, USA.
Along with his professional development, he has also contributed to the management of new knowledge through his research HIV in the media, research on the coverage of HIV and AIDS in Spanish-language online media in Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain, work that has been fortunate to be published in various media, known in international events such as the World AIDS Conference, in universities and in indexed journals.
From a very young age, Diego has been dedicated to the defense and promotion of human rights. First from his country and then at the regional level, he has worked for LGBTIQ+ people, drug users, women and girls, digital rights and more recently for the consolidation of peace.
Education: Master in New Journalism, Political Communication and Knowledge Society from the University of Valencia in Spain. Social Communicator and specialist in Human Rights.