Jimmy Kolker, who ran the largest AIDS program in the world, discovered the power of diplomatic skills in saving lives during numerous worldwide healt
From "Pearl of the Pacific" to epicenter of COVID 19 in Latin America.
A social worker by profession, Bonnie Miller traveled the world with her spouse Ambassador Tom Miller and created the first-ever course in Psycho
A repost of Pete's chat with Laura Lane, one of our most inspiring guests ever.
Ian Brownlee, head of the State Department's Repatriation Task Force, tells us how it's been to preside over an unprecedented effort to bring back wel
Jeffrey Franca, the drummer for DC's own world music icon Thievery Corporation - the band that generously allows us to use its music to open our show
Lainie McKeating and her spouse launch a husband-wife career change and land in Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia.
We're all stuck at home, as we should be.  But we still love you!
One of our best episodes ever (in Laura's humble opinion) about just another day in the Amazing Vicki Huddleston's life in Mali.
Who would we rather hang out with than Vicki Huddleston?  No One.  And right now, No One is exactly the alternative we're all faced with.
Something inspiring for our days at home...Remember the capture of Osama Bin Laden?  The Syria Red Line situation?
The life of Ralph Bunche, recently celebrated by the State Department as a Hero of US Diplomacy, as relayed by his grandson, Ralph Bunche III and UCLA
Ambassador Romero, how would you describe your head? Your chin? And whose gaudy suit is that, covered in paint?
Climate advocate Ambassador Bob Blake is back:  Climate change, international business, government and our individual selves.
In four days in April, Bob Service helps save Paraguay from dictatorship (this is the 1990s).
Most of us are not born with leadership skills, explains Marc Grossman, one of the highest-ranking career Foreign Service Officers ever.
In helping stabilize failing states, what do you do about disaffected, potentially dangerous citizens?  How do you help citizens own their countr
Eric Rubin, President of the Foreign Service Officers' "union", compares the treatment of Foreign Service Officers during the McCarthy era and support
And why is it a bad word?  How could Thailand kill 40 million chickens without a state?
Laura's Foreign Service Test, finally. Did she pass? Did she live? Were the questions fair? Were the examiners fair? Pete and Dave Rabadan are tough.