Pete sends Phil Chicola to guerrilla country to investigate the deaths of American linguist missionaries, and both Pete and Phil are accused of negoti
It is the 1950s.
Shari Villarosa, Chargé in Myanmar, helps us understand why the leader of Myanmar, Aung Sun Suu Kyi, who was once awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, did n
Pete quickly parses recent events in Iran for Laura.  (Please note that we recorded this the day before the Ukrainian jet went down).
Why is public diplomacy especially important in Mexico?
How do trade agreements affect regular people?
What's so important about devoting your life to service?  What are the rewards?
Why was a stash of Nazi spy payoff money stuffed up Pete's chimney? Why was the Iran hostage crisis of the 70s such a huge aberration of norms?
Is immunity the same as impunity?  Sadly for some, there are always consequences for a bad act.
Sondland, the Ukraine affair, and what this episode in history teaches us about the risks of appointing ambassadors who donate heavily to presidential
We love Thanksgiving, and our diplomats especially love the holiday when celebrated overseas.
They left to join the recruiter-imams' war.  Now they're back home in Kosovo.  How to make these young men peace-loving Kosovars once more?
Jim Dobbins, National Security Advisor to Bill Clinton, riffs on what it's like to work for Bill under the cloud of impeachment more than 20 years ago
Mike Polt, who previously shared his experience in Serbia, shares a contrasting tale of successful adaptation to new circumstances in Estonia.
Michael Polt shares his perspective on the honored tradition of the State Department dissent channel, and discusses his experience in the former Yugos
Brand new to the job, Lizzie Slater arrives at Embassy Dar es Salaam ready to begin work on embassy communications of every kind.
Ambassador Prudence Bushnell puts Marie Yovanovitch's recent testimony on Capitol Hill in the context of the Certificate of Commission for all Foreign
The Sequoia: A presidential yacht? A floating icon of American and diplomatic history? A loan gone south?
We're in LA right now promoting a TV script we've written, inspired by many of AmDip's greatest stories including this one from an interview with Kate
AMLO, or Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico, takes the long view, and so does the Mexican populace, in the face of insults and other per